Acute and Post-Acute Care at Home Programs Contribute to Shorter Hospital Length of Stay

1 less day in the hospital

Average traditional hospital stay: 7.4 days

Average discharge to acute or post-acute care at-home programs: 6.4 days

A study by Inbound Health analyzed the length of stay (LOS) for patients discharged to one of their acute or post-acute care-at-home programs, comparing it to those who remained in the hospital for all their acute care needs. The goal was to determine if receiving advanced care at home results in a shorter hospital stay compared to patients who did not have alternative care options.

Researchers reviewed a substantial dataset comprising 10,519 care episodes over three years, from 2021 to 2023. This extensive review allowed for a detailed examination of patient outcomes, length of stay, costs, and other key metrics associated with both care models.

The research comparing hospital length of stay (LOS) for patients discharged to Inbound Health’s acute and post-acute care-at-home programs versus those who completed their acute care in the hospital shows an average reduction of one day for those receiving home-based care. For treatment of sepsis, respiratory failure, and kidney and urinary tract infections, the reduction in LOS ranged from one to two days.

The increase in throughput has multiple benefits for health systems. It allows hospitals to handle more patients within existing infrastructure and resources, effectively increasing their overall capacity to deliver healthcare services. The shorter LOS also reduces the cost of care for healthcare providers and payers.

Researchers concluded there were several factors that shortened the hospital LOS for patients who were discharged to Inbound Health’s care at home programs:

  • Focused Care Delivery: Inbound Health’s program typically has a narrower focus on recovery compared to traditional healthcare facilities, which may also provide long-term care services. This focused approach allows for more efficient and goal-oriented care delivery, helping patients achieve their recovery goals sooner and facilitating timely discharge from the hospital.
  • Streamlined Admission Process: With Inbound Health’s program, there is a streamlined admission process, enabling patients to transition quickly from the hospital to home-based care. This reduces administrative delays and logistical challenges associated with facility-based admissions, allowing patients to ultimately spend fewer days in the hospital.
  • Close Monitoring and Supervision: Patients in Inbound Health’s program receive close monitoring and supervision from skilled healthcare professionals, including nurses, therapists, and physicians. This intensive oversight helps detect and address any complications or barriers to recovery promptly, optimizing the recovery process and minimizing hospital stays.
  • Enhanced Care Coordination: The program prioritizes care coordination between hospital teams and at home providers, ensuring seamless transitions and continuity of care. This collaborative approach facilitates discharge planning and post-discharge support, reducing the likelihood of hospital readmissions and enabling patients to leave the hospital sooner.

Inbound Health’s care at home programs provide a thorough and patient-centered approach to care, emphasizing both individualized attention and efficient delivery. By addressing the unique needs of patients moving from hospital to home, this program accelerates recovery, enhances outcomes, and reduces the length of hospital stays.

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